JL Audio - SB-D-CLBR/10W1v2

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SB D CLBR 10Wlv2_INSTR_SKU 011236 Stealth box INSTALLATION GUIDE for the S B D C LB R 10 W1 v2 2007 Up Dodge Caliber HIMPORTANTI INSTALLATION DIFFICULTY If you choose to perform the installation yourself it is absolutely vital that the Stealthbox be properly mounted to the vehicle according to these instructions Failure to mount the enclosure properly presents two problems 1 The sub bass performance will suffer due to the movement of the enclosure caused by the force exerted by the woofer s 2 A loose enclosure presents a serious safety hazard in the event of a collision ESTIMATED TIME or sudden deceleration 1 HOUR Thank you for choosing a JL Aidio Stealthbox for your automotive sound system Wth proper installation your new vehi ...